Sunday, November 2, 2008

Faithful Promises

True are your promises...

When you are living your dream and fulfilling the very purpose that God has created you for, the enemy will do whatever it takes to stop you. His only aim is to steal, kill and destroy. I am here in Northern Ireland living out my calling; And the enemy is skirming at my victories.

Financially I am not where I should be. I came here with the little that I had in my bank account. I had not planned to pack up everything and leave the life I had behind. I had a wonderful job, a brand new car, and my life was deemed "successful" in a worldly sense. So, when God said to move to Northern Ireland I was overcome with excitement and complete fear at the same time. I did not have the resources to move my life overseas and live in a foriegn country with no income. It was absolutely absurd! But God insisted that I obey, and now I am here.

I have been continually praying for God to provide and each and every time I ask Him, He assures me that he will take care of me and that I shouldn't worry so much. About two weeks ago a financial crisis hit me when my main supporters let me know that they could no longer support me. I instantly collasped to my knees and asked God what I needed to do. He just said not to worry; to rely solely on Him to provide for me. I decided that I was not going to let the enemy win. I am going to fight to be here. This is where I am supossed to be and I am already seeing fruit. God has brought me here for a reason and I am not going to let a little obstacle like money get in my way. God is bigger than money. So I dried my eyes and went to bed. The next morning before I left for the offices I checked my email, which I never do in the mornings. There in my inbox was an email from one of my supporters saying that She was sending a check for the last 2 months and that just so happened to be double of what I was originally expecting of her! I knew then and there that I was going to be just fine. God would provide.

I stepped outside of my house after reading the email and was about to begin my walk to the office when I looked up and saw a beautiful, bright rainbow infront of my house. I took a couple steps foward and then realized that it was a double rainbow. Just Gods way of letting me know that He keeps his promises and how His love for me is never ending.

He has continued to bless me in these last 2 weeks with little gifts as well. I needed a bike for transportation but it would have cost me about $200 and I couldn't afford that. I prayed for a bike and sure enough one of my friends is lending me a bike. I also broke my brand new blow dryer when I first arrived here, and a friend just so happened to have a spare one. I needed a new brush and went to the store to purchase one...I found the one that I wanted but it was too much, so I did not buy it. I went back one week later with a friend who needed some make-up and saw the exact same brush I wanted only now it was half off. I have been blessed with a mobile phone, and incredible sums of money by people from the church. I have been blessed with rides from friends to and from church...and just small things that mean so much to me. God is taking care of me even with the tiniest of things. Isn't that incredible!?!?

When you are living the dream and walking with your Daddy... He will bless you with everything you need. I am amazed at how incredible My God is. Thank you. True are your promises.

1 comment:

  1. oh sid, that is awesome~ as i was reading this i couldnt help but cry to see how much of a Godly woman you have truly become. i will continue to pray Gods grace and mercy over you!! keep in touch

